Friday, October 21, 2011

Fitness Equipment for Disabled People

!±8± Fitness Equipment for Disabled People

A common misconception about individuals with a handicap is that they are weak and bedridden, needing regular assistance all the time in everything they do. However, people with disability are luckier these days because there are mobility and safety devices that will help them maintain their cardiovascular health and body strength (as well as continue to do the things they need to do and love to do).

For those with balance issues or needing extra support when walking, there are rolling walkers and rollators in the market that they can use without needing the assistance of anyone. These devices can strengthen their leg muscles and make their knees adapt to their body weight so that they can perform more ambulatory activities.

When buying rollators and walkers, you should consider the wheels, frame material, height adjustability, brakes and feature options. These devices are available in three wheels or four wheels. The latter being a better option due to sturdiness. The rule of thumb is the larger the wheels, the easier the navigation will be. If you want a rollator for outdoors, go for wheels that are 8 inches or bigger because they can maneuver through rough and bumpy terrain. Smaller wheels are generally safer for indoor use, since indoors are flat and obstruction-free. Some walkers have slow-down brakes that allow the adjustment of tension on the wheels; this feature is useful if you want to have support from the frames of the rollator when moving.

Rollators and walkers can have steel or aluminum frames. Steel is heavier and applicable to those weighing more than 250 pounds, while aluminum is lighter and can be easily pushed. In terms of height adjustment, different walkers have different ranges for handle height. You should find a walker that fits well with your height so that maneuvering will be more comfortable. Braking systems are varied: push-down, loop, locking, slow-down and single-hand. Aside from these, there are available add-ons, including a walking stick holder, a shopping basket or bag, a seat, and an oxygen tank holder.

Are you or a loved one confined to a wheelchair? There are some great devices available to help maintain fitness. Wheelchair exercise equipment is used to provide handicapped people a means of improving their health by performing cardiovascular exercises. These are equipment pieces that improve the shoulders, the arms, the legs and the rest of the upper body. All of these can be operated hassle-free by both wheelchair and non-wheelchair users because they are designed specifically for people with limited mobility. With these machines, physically challenged people can experience training and working out just right for themselves.

Being handicapped is indeed limiting, but not anymore with these exercise and mobility devices. These innovative options let wheelchair-driven individuals leave their sedentary lifestyle and start doing exercise regimens that will make them active and healthy. It is not difficult to find them because there are several companies producing, selling ad promoting them.

Fitness Equipment for Disabled People

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Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Live With 4 Types Of Arthritis

!±8± How To Live With 4 Types Of Arthritis

Some of us are more misfortunate than others. A small percentage of them go through life and suffer no illnesses while many of us suffer from a variety of diseases. Some of these diseases can cause more severe problems with mobility than others.

This is a very painful disease and can be very disabling. There are many products that help us to overcome some of these problems. When you can not close your fingers tightly enough to hold something, there are playing card holders which hold the cards the same way as you used to hold them.

There is a box topper with built up handles that allows you to open sealed boxes or a solo grip which helps you open things.

The big lamp switch is a three spoked knob that gives you leverage to allow you to turn on the lamps.

There is a holder which uses leverage to distribute the weight that allows us to pick up heated plates easily or maybe a key turner which has a large handle with two finger holes to turn the key.

A lot of people with arthritis have a very limited movement which can cause many limitations. The handicapped toenail trimmer is designed for people with bad backs or limited motion and allows them to trim their toenails without problems.

An EZ reach pro enables a person to reach much higher and not have to use a chair. Then there is a two step stool with a railing to help you climb up. An ergonomic chair is available to allow you to sit when you work and has ample pneumatic height to keep you in a more comfortable position when you are doing your daily tasks.

There are walkers that can be equipped with trays and baskets to enable you to still carry things and use the walker at the same time. If a walker is not stable enough there is a rollator that has a seat that allows one to stop and sit down for a rest. It also has a basket to carry things when you go shopping. This rollator has brakes so it will not move when you are resting. You can get a cane sling seat but this has only a place to sit.

There are numerous scooters that can vary in price from 1 to 3 thousand dollars. These can be driven indoor outdoor and have a range of about 15 miles. This enables the person to get around quite easily.

These are but a few of the aids that arthritic people can have to help them live a more normal life.

How To Live With 4 Types Of Arthritis

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Physically Challenged - 5 Easy Tasks That Turn Into Challenges

!±8± Physically Challenged - 5 Easy Tasks That Turn Into Challenges

I am an expert on all of these tasks and more, however, we are only going to tackle five
today. I had polio at age 4 and now I am 66 and lead an active and productive life and always have. One of my favorite sayings is that I can do anything you can do, I just have to do it different. After that said, when it comes to things like moving the furniture, I get it done, but I sure do not want anyone taking a picture of it.

Now we are going to cover the five topics. I will cover these as much as I can for every challenge I can think of, if you have any further suggestions/ ideas/methods, by all means share them, we can use all the help we can get!

PARKING: I have a handicap license plate and also a placard for when I ride in the vehicle of someone else. If by chance you need one or the other of these, they are issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles and they expire just like your car license plates, you will need to get a doctors prescription and it will either be a permanent or a temporary permit. You would think that would take care of the parking issue, and I am here to tell you it is just the tip of the iceberg, and anyone that needs these parking places desperately can tell you that each of us have at least 10 really good stories; my favorite is when I was pulling into the handicap spot and a woman pulled right in front of me almost hitting me and jumped out of her car and ran into the store, when I met up with her in the store and mentioned to her what she had done, she said "I am in a hurry and it looks like you made it ok"; as I stood there in my walker; it was just a "bless her heart" moment. When I go shopping and out doing errands, I always allow enough time to handle any situations which may take longer, like finding a good place to park. Then I always have a book or a journal to occupy my extra time, if I have any, and of course there is always people watching.

TAKING A BATH/SHOWER: This can be rather intimidating, however, it is manageable, if you would feel more comfortable the first couple times and you live alone; have someone there when you take your bath/shower. I am going to cover the bath first as that is the method I use, as I cannot stand in the shower. I fill the tub with water and I like my tub full and I also suggest this as it will create a buoyancy for you, I sit on the edge of the tub and lift one leg in and then the other one; I also have a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub securely suctioned to the tub; then my soap dish has a bar and I use that and the side of the tub to lower myself in; now be sure your hands and side of the tub are dry, if it is not dry then use a wet (dry is to slippery) wash cloth when you do this, then wash as usual, I always have everything I want/need around the tub so I do not have do without and/or try and reach it, have to get out again etc; then getting out, get out while the tub still has water in it, I do not pull the plug until I am ready to get out; put your bath towel on the side of the tub (I use a very large towel) and then I get up on my knees and but my bottom close to the edge of the tub and lift up with one hand on the tub (on the towel) and one hand on the soap dish bar, once your bottom is on the edge of the tub lift one leg at a time over the tub, now if your legs are weak and/or your hands/arms; take a wet wash cloth and place it on your leg first and then lift, turn around and you have made it. Congratulations!!!! SHOWERING, is a little different and I am not that great of an expert on this, but just use the tips I have given you here for the bath and apply them to the shower.

SHOPPING: I always shop in the malls and stores that have the electric carts, it makes shopping a pure pleasure and it is fun. If your favorite stores do not have the carts, get yourself a scooter and there is your freedom.

GARDENING - Once again this can be done, just differently, use a stool and find the stool/chair that works for you for your specific condition; get raised flower/vegetable beds; gather all of what you need to do the job in a bag (my family/friends call me the bag lady) and then you will only need to get up and down once. I sit on the ground because then I scoot and that works for me. I take care of my yard and I also have a fishpond and I clean the filter and maintain it, it can all be done, you just need to figure out a new way of doing things.

TAKING THE TRASH OUT - Ok, now this is a trick, and I still can not (dislike that word, but sometimes that is just the way it is) handle the big green recycle green waste bin but I have figured out the rest. The trashcan I have is smaller and on wheels and I roll it down the driveway a little at a time, and the recycling I put in paper bags with handles (as paper is recyclable) and then move that out bit by bit to my car and drive it out to the curb and unload it. I can not handle the plastic crates they give us for recycling; I put a large note on each bag "recycle" and so far they have always picked it up.

I know this is just the tip of the iceberg on daily challenges we face, but at least this will get your minds working in ways to perform everyday tasks easily the way you can do it.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "Laughter is an instant vacation" -Milton Berle-

For other articles on physical challenges and many other topics visit my website at and in the store you will find an Elegant Tapestry Walker Bag which you can purchase to jazz up your walkers.

Physically Challenged - 5 Easy Tasks That Turn Into Challenges

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Knee Walkers: Simply A Good Purchase

!±8± Knee Walkers: Simply A Good Purchase

You had a knee injury? Having difficulty to go? Use crutches to walk Fed? Well, do not be discouraged, here is the answer for you. You try to find out how it can be very helpful ..

Knee Walkers! What exactly are they?

It is made especially for people with mobility problems, such as leg injuries, amputations, and people with disabilities. One person was wounded in the leg on the stable platform of the tramp and use the leg on the other hand, he then movesthe device.

What kind of walker injuries is useful?

* Fractures to lower leg, heel, ankle and foot.
* Multiple fractures in the lower leg.
* Leg amputees.
* Bunions.
* Sprained ankle.
* Injured or wounded in the legs.

But it's better than crutches? Yes, it is better than the crutches because of obvious reasons.

* With the crutches, it is necessary to maintain the right balance and walk, but walkers knee distribute weight and allow the victim lying onspecially designed platform. This provides stability and comfort for the person walking.

* With little upper body strength, it would be difficult and stressful for a person to keep fixed also move on crutches. However, with the knee-walkers, there is no need for someone to raise the extra effort to balance the unit, and, moreover, the device can quickly mention easy mobility.

* Crutches are insecure and unstable, since they do not support the injured leg or knee, but knee-walkers,There are no additional weight or pressure applied to the injury site.

* It offers comfort for the injured leg raised as it is safe and rested. In this way, the injured leg would not have been reduced by a great pain and swelling and comfort for the person, while on crutches and the leg wound is forever, and that would be a lot of complaints that the injured leg.

* Also help as a refuge if the person needs to sit down and relax, whileCrutches, there is no such thing as a nursing home.

Want to know how to take the best Knee Walker?

Today, many designs for knee walkers. Look in a way that meets your needs as you use your device easily and they needed him. A few points to get the best Knee Walker can judge, are:

* Remember, always after a knee-Walker, a platform that features an adjustable or go to the surface in the knee. This will help the injured leg in the restposition and at a height you feel comfortable with. * If you have those weak legs thus making your balance questionable, then consider it with four balancing wheels.

* As much as possible, examine the weight capacity of a knee walker. More weight capacity knee walkers are durable and give you more balance.

* Consider trying different models of knee walkers before you purchase one. Buy the one which you can steer easily and move without difficulty. Keep in mind, you are knee walker to make your mobility very easy and not to be more exhausted while steering or moving the device itself.

And of course, if you suffer some leg injuries, do not think as if you can no longer roam around different areas in your house or in other places; ideal to do is to buy a walker and be active.

Knee Walkers: Simply A Good Purchase

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